Alison Stegert

Alison Stegert has been an innovative school counsellor, a soppy marriage celebrant, an accidental voice-artist, a dreadful waitress, and an intrepid camp counsellor, but writing kids’ books is her dream-come-true.  

Her latest book, Her Majesty’s League of Remarkable Young Ladies, was published in the UK in July 2023 and released in Australia by Scholastic in 2024. The book is the result of Alison’s 2021 win of the prestigious international competition The Times | Chicken House | IET 150 Prize.  

Ali is the state director of the Queensland branch of SCBWI Australia-East and the founder of the Sunny Coast Writers’ Roundtable.

Talk and Workshop details

Talk: Majestic, Remarkable ladies (Yrs 5-8)

How Not to be a Proper 19th-Century Young Lady! Come for a promenade back in time to Queen Victoria's London, when social rules for young people were severe, choices were few, and freedom was nearly impossible – for girls. The strict Victorian ideals of what’s proper do not stop one remarkable girl-genius from chasing her inventing dreams on a madcap adventure. (There will be gadgets galore!) HER MAJESTY’S LEAGUE OF REMARKABLE YOUNG LADIES is an historical adventure for readers aged 9 -14, by Alison D Stegert.

Thurs 22 Feb : 9.30am - 10.15am

Fri 23 Feb : 9.30am - 10.15am; 11am - 11.45am

Workshop: Developing 3D Characters with the Enneagram (Yrs 10-12)

The workshop will equip participants with insights and skills to create characters who are 3D - Deep, Dimensional and Dynamic. The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that breaks down personality into nine types and focuses on the way each type perceives and relates to the world. While primarily used as a tool for personal growth, the Enneagram’s insights can be applied to fictional characters to give them depth and authenticity. Not only will participants learn how the Enneagram can be used in brainstorming, troubleshooting, and checking, but they will also acquire skills to develop satisfying character arcs by using the Enneagram’s various features of basic fears and desires, core vices and virtues, and points of stress and security. The workshop for high school students or adults is an introduction to the Enneagram and character theory requiring no prior knowledge.

Thurs 22 Feb : 11am - 12pm ; 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Fri 23 Feb: 12.30pm - 1.30pm