Dr Dean Jacobs

Dr Dean Jacobs is an educator, author, creative and innovative illustrator.

Dr Jacobs believes that every door that opens in life leads us down the path we are meant to travel. Some people tend to ignore certain doors and prefer to shelter in the embrace of mediocrity; however, when he came across a door, sketched and painted with wonderous colours, and unlike any other he had seen before, he knew turning the handle would reveal everything for which he had hoped.

That door led him down a path of a two-decade-long acclaimed design career, a research-driven Doctorate of Creative Arts, a number of successful gallery exhibitions, multiple novel and picture-book publishing deals, award winning illustrations and industry recognition for innovation in the creative field.

Dr Jacobs embraces the world of visual literacy, reading images and exploring the importance of wordless narrative. He believes that a picture can, indeed, paint a thousand words, we just need to find the right imagery.


Talk and Workshop details

Talk: Words and Images: An intricate relationship (Yrs 8-12)

Explore the complementing and contrasting relationships between two different textual languages - written text and visual text. We are exposed to these languages in every day life and it's how we decode them that creates meaning.

Thurs 22 Feb: 11am - 11.45am

Fri 23 Feb: 11am - 11.45am

Workshop: Visual Literacy, What does it all mean? (Yrs 9-12)

Illustrators use knowledge of visual literacy when creating work for both publishing and advertising. In this workshop, learn how to use critical and creative conceptual thinking when approaching a given topic.

Thurs 22 Feb : 12.30pm - 1.15pm

Fri 23 Feb: 9.30am - 10.15am

Workshop: Illustrating a picture book. How difficult can it be? (Yrs 9-12)

Illustrating a picture book is a difficult task. In this workshop, learn how to approach words visually to extend narrative possibilities in a picture book.

Thurs 22 Feb : 9.30am - 10.30am

Fri 23 Feb : 12.30pm - 1.30pm