Mariah Sweetman

Mariah Sweetman is a proud descendant of the Ugarapul people. She is passionate about First Nations histories and engaging young people with stories. She loves to create with words and paint; often writing poetry and painting in her free time.

Mariah is a teacher by trade with Bachelor in Education and Arts, Master of Education, specialising in Indigenous Education.

Robert Runs is Mariah’s first novel.

Talk and Workshop details

Workshop: Storytelling in Indigenous Art (Yrs 4-6)

Explore indigenous storytelling techniques, witness a live demonstration, and craft your own story through the medium of art.

Thurs 22 Feb : 9.30am - 10.30am

Fri 23 Feb : 11am - 12pm

Workshop: Creating a Hero: Characterisation (Yrs 7-10)

In-depth characterisation with practical tools to create a well rounded hero that your audience will love! Learn some fun tools for research and planning

Thurs 22 Feb : 11am - 12pm

Fri 23 Feb: 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Workshop: Creating a Villain: Characterisation (Yrs 7-10)

In-depth characterisation with practical tools to create a well rounded villain that your audience will love to hate! Learn some fun tools for research and planning.

Thurs 22 Feb : 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Fri 23 Feb: 9.30am - 10.30am